
  • day 14 – hope4Cancer

    day 14 – hope4Cancer

    one week to go here at the clinic! at the end of day 13 we went for a long walk – 2 1/2 to 3 miles. it wasn’t…

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    4 min read

  • day 13- hope4Cancer

    day 13- hope4Cancer

    i am sure by my tone this morning you all could tell i am worn out. that has been how i feel today – tired, nauseated, stomach pains,…

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    4 min read

  • day 12 – hope4Cancer

    day 12 – hope4Cancer

    good morning, the last two nights have been better sleep! i am very thankful and know it is what my body needs right now for healing. i decided…

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    4 min read

  • Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    good morning! i have decided to blog the day after is just easier- my brain is fresh in the morning, after these crazy long days. i did get…

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    4 min read

  • Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    HI everyone! are we sick of talking about sleep and coffee enemas yet! i am…another night with 4 1/2 hours which i know i mentioned already. so i…

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    4 min read

  • Day 9 – Hope4Cancer

    Day 9 – Hope4Cancer

    Good morning! I tried SO hard to do this last night and fell asleep with the laptop in bed. so, we will try again. yesterday was HARD! ugg.…

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    4 min read

Healing Journey

In this section I will add many of the different vitamins, therapies, doctors, other practitioners in my healing journey!


Feel Free to leave Encouraging messages to bring some light into these next few weeks

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