
  • day 22-24 h4C

    day 22-24 h4C

    god is faithful as the journey continues. first, i have a bunch of praises. my mom…i can’t even tell you how grateful i am for her. i also…

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    4 min read

  • Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    my “last” full day at the clinic full-time. it is Bittersweet. many of the close friendships i have made will be leaving soon. when you go through this…

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    4 min read

  • Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    well, i have been slacking on keeping up with daily reports! yesterday was a great day, i had good energy. today i felt weak, tired and nauseated. please…

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    4 min read

  • Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    well, it has been a different last two days since mom has gotten here with therapies! thursday i felt fuzzy in my head after Benadryl and yesterday i…

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    4 min read

  • day 16 – hope4Cancer

    day 16 – hope4Cancer

    another day in the books! i plan on doing daily updates until i check out of the clinic and move to the condo. i will probably switch to…

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    4 min read

  • day 15 – hope4Cancer

    day 15 – hope4Cancer

    good morning! i am thankful for each day and improvements. i continue to be blessed by the people we meet here, new people coming in and also people…

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    4 min read

Healing Journey

In this section I will add many of the different vitamins, therapies, doctors, other practitioners in my healing journey!


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