• Day 6/7 Hope4Cancer

    Day 6/7 Hope4Cancer

    Good morning everyone! A new computer was purchased, not part of the plan. the funny part is that all of the settings are in spanish and we do not know how to change it, also certain functions are different. so this will be interesting:) but matt can work and i can write the blog, i choose gratefulness. before i begin, i have some prayer requests…sleep-it has not been good. i have the central line that pinches if i lay on my sides, i wake up drenched every night so then it is hard to fall back asleep with wet pJ’s and sheets. you all know how much i love taking meds, but i feel like this is a time of me submitting it all. so, last night they gave me 1/4 of one, lol! that did not do the trick, so tonight i will go up to 1/2. we asked for an egg crate for my bed and when we went to sleep they put it on matt’s nice mattress, i am on a hospital bed. i was too tired to mess with that last night, so hopefully that will help tonight, i am also asking for a fan and a lighter blanket. the night sweats are my body fighting for me, so i am thankful in a sense that it is doing it’s job! i know this is a lot of silly details, but honestly, yesterday i was so crabby and exhausted. my body needs rest to heal, so please pray the lord will provide ways to help me have restful nights of sleep. also, the functional medicine doctor had mentioned with this type of cancer there can be bowel obstruction, so come along side to pray with me that we say NO to that! Also pray that the therapies are working and healing me, the tumors are shrinking, and the ascites stays away. my internal body is a warrior, fighting for me. we also are looking for an airbnb or hotel. I think i will probably go with an airbnb because then there is a bedroom with a door and more space for others to come stay and it’s a 10 minute walk. many don’t have aC, can you even imagine, haha! we haven’t found one with AC and a washer and dryer yet. there was a nice one on the third floor but no elevator, I have no idea how i will be feeling, or moving, so that may not work. the nurse told me they usually don’t start the iPT until i am done with the 3 week plan, so that Again changes things and would add 6-12 weeks on to my stay. i thought i would begin this week…i will speak with him today. in a way it makes sense to build my body up as much as possible before we add it, but…you all know why…that would make me sad. so, i throw these hands up with all of my expectations and know that the lord is fighting for me.

    let’s get started, it will be a long one today!

    Day 6 – Sunday i started with the coffee enema and ozone, then breakfast and oxygen chamber. at 10 aM i did another new IV called double helix water with the h2 inhaler, which will be weekly! three B17’s, three vit. c’s and one double helix water per week. Let’s talk about this special water! the benefits of this water are: Boosting immune function, Improving cellular interaction, Enhancing metabolic function, Reducing recovery time, Increasing energy, Providing an improved overall feeling of wellness and good health, Having an anti-inflammatory effect, Positively impacting the immune system, Providing relief from inflammatory pain. Dr. Mercado said that to hold the bag of water and pray blessings of healing and life into the water and it changes the crystals. god is SO cool. I am including some research on just regular water and when you speak words of love, peace, joy vs. hate, evil, etc. and then he froze the water and looked at the crystals and they were beautiful, or gross and ugly. the Importance of our words matter. here is a link to an explanation – Dr. Masaru Emoto and Water Consciousness | The Wellness Enterprise (hope that will work!). but, there is power in our words, they bring life and death. i have struggled with this and so i am humbled to see these crystals and it makes you only want to speak life to ourselves and others. Proverbs 18:21 the tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. I also think about how the lord created the universe with his word, that’s it. words ARE power. so, hopefully today we can all think about that in a different way. let us build each other up, think before we speak, and bring life and love to those around us! next was the UVBI (ultaviolet blood infusion-so cool!). daily i do the PEMF mat, vibe plate and indiba. after lunch i did another new treatment called full body hyperthermia, AKA pizza oven! you get the idea, they pull this pizza oven over you and check your temp every 15 minutes, my temp. could go up to 102.9, it went up to 102.3. the idea is that heat and fever therapy help to kill cancer. which is why my body is SOOOO amazing with all the night sweats, lol! the benefits of this therapy are, restricts tumor blood flow, causes tumor cell lysis or breakdown, creates a heightened immune system response so that immune cells can more effectively go after the cancer, increases tissue oxygenations and detox. (cancer hates heat and oxygen), increases energy and promotes cellular repair and regeneration. All amazing things! I just thank the lord for all of these therapies all day, that he is fighting for me and they are giving my body the support it needs to fight and reset.

    then we went for a walk with our friend, robert, down by the beach for some sunshine and movement. it felt nice to escape! there is a lot of garbage which is sad but i love the sun and the sound of the waves rolling in, so that is what i focus on. i had such a bless-day of praying over other patients, amazing conversations and high energy. it was a great day! i just had a great verse sent to me from Deb (sammy’s momma!). isaiah 58:8 then my favor will Bathe you in SUNLIGHT until you are like the dawn bursting through a dark night. And then suddenly your healing will manifest. you will see your righteousness march out before you, and the glory of yahweh will protect you from ALL harm! can i get an amen. literally i wouldn’t be where i am without all of you lifting me up. this is our calling as believers. i am so grateful-it brings tears to my eyes! love. love. love.

    Day 7 – Reminder i awoke up crabby. my poor husband. another rough night and no energy. i do not Like that feeling. my emotions and mind were Overpowering my heart. but we know that god forgives and each day is a new day! i couldn’t start with my favorite, “Happy-hour” yesterday because i had a thermography exam at 8. so no eating, drinking, showering. it was a unique test that will measure the minerals and nutrients in my body. I believe it will be my last week i get the results which is a bummer-so interesting! then a late breakfast. i came back to the room for the b17 iV and coffee enema-ozone, “the happy-hour.” then off to the biologic dentist for images. i have a follow up today. Biological dentistry, also referred to as holistic dentistry, It is a revolutionary approach to oral health that recognizes the intricate connection between the mouth and the rest of the body. Unlike traditional dentistry, which focuses solely on treating dental issues, biological dentistry takes into account the overall well-being of the individual. Biological dentists understand that oral health can impact physical, emotional, and energetic health, and they strive to provide preventive and conservative treatments that avoid invasive procedures, toxic materials, and pharmaceuticals with potential side effects. the visit was included in my care plan, but if they make recommendations, that is an additional expenses. it would still be less expensive than in the uS! once i got back it was some of the usuals, pEMF, indiba, vibe. I did the sauna at 2 and it was so hot. remember I was crabby and tired yesterday. when i was walking out of the sauna i could feel i was going to go down. so, i quickly dried some sweat off, threw on my robe and sat my butt right on the tile floor (no chair around!). then i waited for one of my favorite nurses joshua. I am usually running around here and don’t need much help and when i didn’t come out he came looking! he grabbed me some coconut water and walked me back to the room. ugg. my blood pressure ranges from 80-95 systolic to 53-65 diastolic, super low. plus with tiredness, bad combo! i showered and it took a few hours to get cooled down for some reason. then down to have the PDT plus (artesimsan as the activator instead of curcumin) with the light therapy. immediately after i used the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which was so warm in there for some reason and i felt a little Closter phobic! just one of those days. we had dinner in our room because i just felt weak and we had to go find a computer after dinner. i am miss social and knew i didn’t have the energy for that, and to go out and about yesterday. we ubered to radio shack, no such luck. so we walked to office depot, hoped for a cord but it wouldn’t charge, so we came home with a spanish computer. so darn funny. the same nurse that helped fix my bed was in here helping with the computer. he is great! still a few parts that are spanish so let’s pray we can figure that out today. but matt can work and i can type. so all is good. I will end with a few great verses out a short book called Healed of cancer (that robert borrowed me!). so i choose to live and be a fighter! Deuteronomy 30:19 today i have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. now i call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! psalm 91:16 with a LONG life i will satisfy him and i will let him see my salvation.

    Today, is a new day with new hope. i will not be shaken. there will be hard physical and emotional days on this journey ahead. but i will press on, knowing i am healed. emotions are human nature, but my heart is for jesus. that does not change. love you all!!