• Day 4 Hope4Cancer

    Hope and rest. those are my words for today. Romans 5:5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

    Today started with my favorite coffee enema. Then we were rushed down to have the paracentesis (I really wanted to shower! haha!). I was told they perform the procedure differently here, in america they use a machine that is suction, the doctor gets it all set up and then leaves and the radiology tech finishes the procedure. I have had some mild improvement in the pressure at home but would have severe sharp rib pain after. It was so miserable that I think the pressure was better than the acute pain! In mexico they allow gravity to do the work, and the doctor was with me for the whole procedure. He drained 2.3 L off and I had ZERO rib pain, praise the lord!! That is about 5-5.5lbs of fluid. WOW! I felt so awesome today and can eat all of my food. They have me drinking 2 protein shakes between meals and are also giving me chicken at night. At breakfast they hooked me up to a 2 hour Vit C iV and then came back to the room to also do the H2 inhaler at the same time. I used the PEMF mat and the vIBE machine two times a day, in the morning and afternoon. I met with a BEST (behavioral emotional spiritual therapy) doctor today. He has studied way too many things for me to recall. But the core of his purpose is to help me release past stored traumas to help with the healing. It is valuable and I look forward to learning and working through all that he has for me. This has been core to me over the last year, so I am interested in his insight and guidance. Knowing that God is a god that heals, we just have to release traumas that we often do not even realize we are holding on to. next was INDIBA appointment that makes me so relaxed. We had lunch, I will try to take some pictures of our meals to give you all ideas. I have been pleased with the food. I do hear people complain, but I have been a healthy eater. I am just grateful it tastes good, its good for me aND i don’t have to cook it or clean up! After lunch I did the hyperbaric Oxygen chamber, it felt much easier and relaxing today because of having the fluid drained. I could comfortably lay on my back and rest! I quickly showered, finally! then I had a new therapy today which was really cool. They took out some of my blood, add it to a bag of saline, then add 100mL of Ozone through a drip machine into a ultraviolet machine has been shown to inactivate toxins and viruses, destroy harmful bacteria and fungi, and improve the bloods immune defense and then goes back into me My nurse said i could get a headache, but i felt great. Then I did the light bed, which is full spectrum infared laser lights that are across the whole body, which targets cancer cells throughout the body, including all tumors and metastases.

    After dinner a new friend of ours came back to our room and we shared testimonies of god’s miracles in our lives. He is such a kind tender soul. We are both type A personalities, and so the “rest” is the difficult part for us. Once you start going down the natural treatment rabbit holes it can be all consuming. That has been my personal struggle that I have shared is what to do versus resting. For me my focus here is to rest, so when my brain starts going, i am trying to shut it down and turn my eyes to the lord. One of the funny things about me is i really like a specific plan, a list. lets do this and knock everything off, right?! if you have been to mexico, that is NOT the way it rolls here, haha! so the lord is teaching me to rest and be flexible in that. they have a plan in the morning, and none of it will exactly go as it is laid out. Which is OK!! it’s perfect actually. God is teaching me to go with the flow. I know that it will all get done eventually and there will be more things added to the list, the times will all change. This would work perfect for my son! for mom it is a little tougher. So rest, rest for my mind, rest for my body, rest for my soul. rest. why is that so difficult. We live in a world of GO, running around with our heads spinning. for what? for who? I am in a place that while I have to care for myself, i don’t have to cook, clean, work, take care of the yard. any of it. in this place of total surrender is when jesus meets us, speaks to us. he is gentle and loving. but he wants all of us, not just the tired us that is burning both ends. which is where i have been for too many years. Psalms 116:7 “now I can say to myself and to all, “relax and rest, be confident and serene, for the lord rewards fully those who simply trust him.” it is that simple. we make it more complicated. he just wants our hearts.

    Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the deep, stormy sea, you can count on me to be there with you. when you pass through raging rivers, you will not drown. when you walk through persecution like fiery flames, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you.

    So when we are in those deep waters, he has us. that is where my faith stands firm. i hope you can feel and know this same peace and confidence. there is always hope and rest in jesus. all of my love, jodi