• day 22-24 h4C

    day 22-24 h4C

    god is faithful as the journey continues. first, i have a bunch of praises. my mom…i can’t even tell you how grateful i am for her. i also can’t imagine having to see your child go through this fight. i know it is so hard on her and my dad, which makes me sad. but she has been amazing here and i am so thankful for our time together. i am Definitely getting spoiled. she has been massaging my face, head, neck and shoulders every night, which puts me right to sleep like a baby. i woke my self up snoring the other night, haha! i had a rough abdominal pain night on tuesday and she was making me some food, i was just Lying in bed crying (she doesn’t know until now.), and thinking i should be taking care of her…it’s her turn, darn it. i hate this. But it is a journey of learning, loving more deeply, being humble, accepting help and being vulnerable. i love my mom so much. i am thankful beyond what words can say and i love that she is here with me! sunday mom goes home and my sister will come for a week! so much love and spoiling i am getting:) secondly, i am feeling SO much better! i had a little weird set back for a few hours tuesday night and was hobbled over in pain, they have me on these “magic blue pills”, as Joshua says. well, i had ran out and missed 1 darn pill tuesday at lunch. i guess he is right! i awoke yesterday feeling awesome and i think we walked around 6 miles! amazing! i am getting stronger ech day, less ascites, less pressure/burning, i can eat more. yeah! so those “numbers” i will not hold on to because i can see and feel i am healing, amen! thirdly, monday night the lord woke me up at 2 and we had some prayer time about this airbnb, i prayed for him and asked the lord to bless him. i don’t know his story, and we all have one. well, things started changing and by last night i have received emails that i will be receiving every penny back from that darn airbnb Fiasco! praise god. what a silly thing and i am not going to all the details, but it is finished, amen!

    tuesday was check out day from the clinic. the day started normal with coffee enema/ozone, PEMF, vibe plate, photolight therapy, and h2 inhaler. i will continue these daily as they are the “free’ therapies. i met with dr. mercado who is the functional medicine doctor, he may be my favorite! although, the picture mom took looks like i am disgusted with him, so funny. i went and hugged him yesterday, asked a few questions and said we will have to have a retake when i have my phone! i am posting it because it cracks me up! then we moved over to the hotel (which mom blessed us with until the 15th!) i just don’t know how to repay her and all of the people that have been so generous. then my body decided to go haywire for a few hours, i was walking like i was 100 yrs. old but we ran to calimax for a few groceries and to the pharmacy for the magic blue pills. the hotel is so nice. our room has 2 twin beds, a small kitchen area, 2 chairs, a bigger bathroom! it’s perfect! i am so grateful and it feels like we have a less crazy schedule and more freedom. it is .6 miles from the clinic, so it’s an easy walk. we didn’t go out for dinner because i was in rough shape so mom made me avocado toast and a banana. then we snuggled up and she rubbed my head until i fell asleep and she kept rubbing until i woke myself up snoring! i slept great, no pain and woke up after 5, so good. i needed that and then had a great day yesterday.

    wednesday we went out for breakfast at alma verda, which was delicious. i had a big Omelet with veggies and got breakfast and lunch out of that! i may have had a 1/2 a piece of homemade artesian bread…it was delicious! then we were walking like crazy all day. we went to an organic food store that has some items, just no fruit or veggies! then walmart for a few items. we came back to the hotel and then were picked up to go to the clinic. at the clinic each day i will do things mentioned above. plus, the new treatment plan of different iV’s which include curcumin 150mg, poly mVA 20ml, cBD 100mg, artesunate 500mg, vit. c 50gr, and selenium 900mcg. i will also be doing the oxygen chamber 2-3 times per week. they added a BUNCH of vitamins to protect my body from the chemo. i will add a picture of the list. i will stop some of my other supplements during this time or i won’t have room to eat food! it seems like a good plan and i am enjoying the freedom. the weather is beautiful here so the walking has been good for my strength, my brain and my soul!

    today is iPT day. so i don’t take any vitamins on this day. i went to the clinic for an early blood draw, they are checking my cBC, liver enzymes, thyroid (they saw a cyst and want to check my levels-NOT CANCER), and homocysteine which can indicate the MThFR gene mutation. that may effect me being able to do the Poly MVA iV because that does not have the methylated b vitamins. which if i have the gene mutation, they need to be methylated. I will do that test when i am back in the states, but Homocysteine levels could be an indicator. it’s complicated, haha! but back to iPT, which is cheat day! it feels so wrong but it is important to make my blood sugar spike. so, i will have another sandwich and fruit. but then…mom and i are going to have cheeseburgers and ice cream!!! i am fasting all day, so i will eat 2 meals a few hours apart from each other!

    the lord has given me 2 chronicles 20 several months ago and he keeps bringing me back there. i just love the testimonial of god’s Sovereignty and power when we just simply lift our hands up and praise him. that is NOT natural for most of us. verse 17 “but you will not even need to fight. take your positions; then stand still and watch the lord’s victory. he is with you, o people of judah and jerusalem. do not be afraid or discouraged. go out against them tomorrow, for the lord is with you!” so instead of sending the warriors first the king send the singers to lead the way singing, “give thanks to the lord; his faithful love endures forever!” then in vs. 22, at the VERY moment they began to sing and give praise, the lord caused the armies to all fight among themselves. not a single one escaped. what i get out of this is STAND STILL, praise god, stop trying to control everything. pray, seek, he will speak to us if we can quiet our minds and souls to listen. i just love this so much and i hope it blesses you too!

    lastly, i know every first letter is capitalized. i have no idea why, haha! i am not techy and it is just what it does through this blog hosting site. i just don’t want everyone wondering why i am typing like this:) so there you have it! i will probably have pictures tomorrow of me eating a big sandwich, a big cheeseburger and ice cream. get ready!