• Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    my “last” full day at the clinic full-time. it is Bittersweet. many of the close friendships i have made will be leaving soon. when you go through this treatment with others, there is a unique connection that is Indescribable. the love and care is so present, it’s real. it’s jesus. 1 john 4:19 we love each other because he loved us first. i think when you go through this battle, you just love more deeply, realizing christ’s love for us and that we are all different parts of this body of christ. i love how he uses each of us in different ways. i pray that i can be more aware of the holy spirit so i don’t miss the opportunities he sets before me to speak life to others.

    it will be so different staying off site, but i am ready for some Separation and different food! i will be transitioning to a hotel in the afternoon and plan on staying there until sept 15th. The airbnb has been a very frustrating situation. he will not cancel my reservation, so we will see if he gives me the check-in info in the next few days. he also changed my check-in date from sept 3 to the 5th. apparently on airbnb they can changes if they wish if your booking is over 28 days. the whole issue was because my mom is here now, then my sister is coming until the 15th and then matt is coming. even though they will never be here at the same time he wanted me to add additional guests to the stay, which added a lot of money, but he didn’t tell me until sunday. which i did pay, then he said he is concerned with the additional wear and tear… it has been a big frustrating mess that is just dumb! last night at 2am i was praying for him, forgiving, and asking the lord to bless him. it does me no good to be mad or frustrated. I do not know why he is acting this way, but i know that god is for me and will provide. i believe they have to give me the check-in within 24-48 hours prior to Sept. 5. please pray that they do give us the code and that matt and i will be able to stay there from the 15th to oct 5th! then i am following the “2” guest rule. CRAZY! it’s been a silly waste of my time and energy and money! enough about that, just please pray!

    yesterday i started with the coffee enema and ozone, then breakfast! i had several appointments. at 9am i had an appointment with oscar, the nutritionist. he is recommending a paleo diet. we are also watching my iron, especially now with IPT. it was 11.7 when i arrived and last friday my labs were at 11.4. we want this number to stay where it is, because if that gets too low then it requires blood transfusion. my husband can donate his blood and then they can give me a blood transfusion the same day, if needed! i will be adding a little red meat now and that will help! then i had the oxygen chamber. after i started the helixor/Vit C IV and met with dr. romaro. he went over my labs and ultrasound findings. there seems to be improvements in the inflammed lymph nodes and liver. the tumor size has not changed yet. the cA 125 went up, which he said was normal. tumors have octopus arms and when you start treatment, those start to die and the cells on the outside of the tumor die first. this drives up the “number”. he is pleased that the tumors have not grown and is a good sign. i FEEL so much better! part of your brain wants to see the numbers improving, i did really good with the report and didn’t even cry! progress. those darn numbers. the lord has continued to grow me in this area and HE says i am not a number! so amen:) i just release it and know that my “beer belly” is gone, i have much less pressure in my pelvis, i can walk much further, and Overall, my energy is improved! yay! praise god i have done so well with the IPT and avastin. today, i am hoping to meet with Dr. mercado to go over nutrition/vitamin support during iPT and getting their recommendations for weekly care. i know i am doing a vastin, IPT and heckel. i am not sure what other support he will add, but i am here, so let’s do it! then i had my indiba massage! at 12pm i had an appointment with dr. Dani and she went over the thermometry report, it was alot of info! she is wondering if i have a mthfr gene mutation because it seems my body is not detoxing well. they do not test for that here in mexico, so i will look into that when i am home. i also hope to ask more questions to dr. Mercado today! they will do this scan on my follow up visits at 3 and 10 months. on a side note, with everything going on…my heart rate variability age is 35! i am going to print that! haha! i don’t have the paperwork yet and it is difficult to remember everything she went over with me! all i have to say is, it is so interesting and i am excited to see the progress! then i had the full body hyperthermia, which was so hot today! my temp went up to 103.2, so that felt good and detoxing! i had my last treatment of PDT plus with curcumin. they do an iV in your arm with a fiber optic and rotate laser lights into your system, pretty cool. many people have had reactions to the curcumin. this was my 4th dose of this IV. i thought i should go out with a bang! once the iV started i turned beat red, stiffened up, started to black out and couldn’t breathe. my nurse joshua is a rock star and moved quickly to get me oxygen and stop the iV. i was happy mom was upstairs, but then she felt like she should come down, momma’s intuition. Everyone was hovered around me, and by that point i was improving! she ran up and grabbed me a cooling clothe for my neck, which felt so good. then after about 10 minutes they restarted me on the curcumin and all was good. i am wondering if it was because i was still very warm from the hyperthermia, but who knows! i felt 100% almost immediately. praise god! then a nurse came to speak with me about the home care program and she will be my “go-to”. i will begin some of the home care here on monday. then i had sunivera and phototherapy before dinner. mom and i went for a walk after dinner and then came back to 100 mg IV of CBD and the H2 inhaler while visited with robert for our final night. again, bittersweet. i believe this is a lasting friendship and we are making plans for an oklahoma visit that probably includes fishing!

    today will be a relaxed day of therapies, coming up with the future plan and moving into the hotel. thank you for being on this journey with me. it has been so healing for me to type. i have told the lord the two things that are “hard no’s” for me are writing and speaking in public. in general, it is usually a bad idea to give the lord “hard no’s” because you can guarantee that is EXACTLY what he will have you do. what a jokester! i am going to try to do 2 posts a week moving forward on this journey. one of the verses i have memorized and pray through when i am in some of my therapies is hebrews 12:1-2. therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily Entangles. and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith. for the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of The throne of god. but verse 3 is so good too…consider him who endured such Opposition from sinners, so that you will NOT grow weary and lose heart. we can look to the lord and have peace, even in, even if, even…whatever. god is good, he wants to lavish his love all over us. i stand in a place of awe and worship, knowing he has me and i am willing. he is the healer. i believe in miracles and will not stop believing! have a blessed day.