• Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    well, i have been slacking on keeping up with daily reports! yesterday was a great day, i had good energy. today i felt weak, tired and nauseated. please pray for renewed strength tomorrow. another prayer request is my weight. they weigh each of us on sunday, today i weighed 125 lbs, last week was 134…what the heck. it makes me so sad and mad. i am eating more now as the ascites has improved. it’s so hard to know how much of it is really just the water weight. i know i will have ups and downs. what i do know, is that the lord is healing me so i will not be discouraged! i already shared this verse, but it is sooo good. isaiah 40:29-31 he gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. but those who trust in the lord will find new strength. they will soar high on wings like eagles. they will run and not grow weary. they will walk and not faint.

    Day 19 – saturday morning i started with my usual coffee enema/ozone, vibe, PEMF, breakfast and then oxygen chamber. then they started the 3 hour helixor and vit. c IV. methylene blue drops and phototherapy was before lunch. then after i did PDT plus and hydrogen inhaler and ended with indiba. then mom and i went for a 2-3 mile walk. popped back to our room for a bit and then walked to a Restaurant for dinner called Cruce. it was so yummy and the first time i have eaten out since checking in! i ate every Bite. I have much of my appetite back, yay!!! we ended the night playing cards while i was hooked up to b17 IV. i slept the best i have since i have been here last night, which i am very grateful.

    day 20 – today i woke up and just not feeling the best even after a good night of sleep! i started with the coffee enema and ozone. we had breakfast and then oxygen chamber. then i headed to the sauna, quick shower and started getting hooked up to iV’s. double helix water IV, then UVBI, and finally helixor. Indiba was at 12:30 and then lunch. after i came back and took a nap! i was exhausted. then i did the Phototherapy/methylene blue and the sunivera injection. lastly i did the PEMF and Vibe to wrap up the day before dinner!

    also, please pray for the airbnb we had Reserved, the owner is now coming back and saying that he is not ok that i have a few people rotating in and out. even though i informed him from the beginning that would be the case and there would never be 3 at a time. i don’t want to start over looking and it is convenient. but, i believe that if it’s not this one, god has something better he will provide really quickly!

    a few friends sent verses today. i love this one so much. mark 5:34 He said to her, “daughter, your faith has healed you. go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” i receive that blessing and believe, in jesus name, amen! also, exodus 14:14 the lord himself will fight for you. just stay calm. or another version is you keep your peace and the lord will fight for you.

    tomorrow will be a full day of appointments with the nutritionist, Dr. dani on my thermography and vitamins, home program, meeting with dr. romaro to go through the future plan! yikes. and try to fit in all of my normal treatments. praying the lord will give me great energy for a full day. thank you for the prayers and love!