• Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    well, it has been a different last two days since mom has gotten here with therapies! thursday i felt fuzzy in my head after Benadryl and yesterday i started my day early with ultrasounds and blood work so i haven’t had much time. god has been gracious and i am feeling really good! continued progress, yay! monday i will sit with the doctor and go through my labs, ultrasound and what the plan is moving forward. i will also have an appointment where they go through supplement recommendations and the thermography scan they had done originally, which measures nutrient levels and other things that i will find out!! Then on my follow up appointments they will rescan! this is very different that the thermography scan that i do in america for my yearly breast scan (vS a mammogram)- this measures heat instead of putting radiation into your body. thank you for your continued prayers and support. i am so grateful for each of you. this journey is not one i would have chosen, but there is so much good i can see through it. growth, trust, hope, love, peace. i have my moments of fear. thursday after IPT i just did not feel good about adding the avastin. i told mom i am not afraid of the cancer, it is when they are adding the pharmaceuticals that have side effects that i fear. so, i have to continue to hand that to the lord. he has been gracious and patient with me! psalms 31:7 in mercy you have seen my troubles, and you have cared for me, even during this crisis in my soul i will be radiant with joy, filled with praise for your love and mercy.

    day 17-thursday started with my normal enema, b17, PEMF, vibe plate, breakfast, and oxygen chamber. then we started the helixor IV, methlyene blue, then phototherapy. i had the sunivera injection and indiba before lunch. after lunch i used the h2 inhaler and waited for IPT. At 3 they picked us up and we were back around 6:15. we were supposed To bring a sandwich – misunderstanding! so mom walked down to this cute organic lunch spot called alma verde (pedro had to come find her to help her get back to the place where i do chemo, haha!) and grabbed me an amazing Sandwich with chicken, avocado, tomatoes, peppers, onions. i hadn’t eaten bread in a while, so i was a little excited! it was so good! then i had a mango, banana, and some chocolates. cheat day is real! on IPT day, afterwards i get to eat whatever i want because we want high sugar to be attracted to the cancer cells so the chemo goes after it. then i had some carrot cake back at hope4Cancer. there was a birthday so they make healthy treats every so often. perfect day for it! i was feeling a little nervous about doing the avastin right after IPT. i noticed that my clot time seemed longer and wanted them to check first, the doctor was understanding, so we postponed. plus, feel a little weird after the IPT, but i think it’s more from the Benadryl. so mom and i went down to worship with pastor michael, hose and obed. i think that is the best way to end each day! then came back to the room to do the methylene blue and red light.

    day 18- friday morning i started running at 7 for the ultrasound and blood work. i came back upstairs and did the pEMF before breakfast. then after breakfast I had heckel. the THING i have been anxious About! this is a 3 hour treatment. i started in the box and they heated my body up from 37 to 38.5 C, then shuts off the lights and wraps me up in that blanket and continued to heat me up to 39.4 (this is 102.9 F). they monitor my temp. rectally, also blood pressure, oxygen, pulse and blood pressure the whole time. my nurse did the heckel treatment and was in there with me. i could drink coconut water and regular water throughout the treatment and she gave me oxygen. i had a hard time keeping my pulse down which is normal. my blood pressure has been low as i have said prior, but it was usually 95/60 during the treatment. then she slowly unwraps you and you have to continue laying there until it goes back down to 38.5 (which is around 101 F). she put cold clothes on my neck and forehead. i felt flushed and low grade fever until about 9 last night. this therapy is best to do after IPT when the cancer cells are the weakest. so this will be part of my new weekly routine. the goal is to get my temp up to 105 f, which is hard to fathom with how i felt feverish the rest of the day yesterday being 2 degrees hotter! god will provide the strength. this treatment is from germany and is based on one of the oldest traditional healing principles, a fever! a fever mobilizes our natural Defenses, supplies tissues and its cells with increased oxygen and nutrients, helps Detoxify and improves resolution of infections. (side note: which is why we shouldn’t suppress babies immune systems with tylenol immediately when they get a fever!!! look at all of the good things a fever can do and their bodies are learning how to defend themselves!). cancer cells are destroyed at 40.5 C and it also Strengthens the immune system against cancer. it helps conventional treatments to be more effective and improve recovery and aims to prevent relapse. this hyperthermia is used for chronic infections and chronically inflammatory conditions. there have been a significant number of “so-called” spontaneous recovery from cancers that is associated with febrile infection and research in the USA suggests that fever-range whole body hyperthermia promotes the migration of immune cells into the tumor and render the tumor more visible to the immune system. they said i may not feel great today either. i feel pretty good now. also…no shower for the day yesterday! haha. i feel sorry for the people sitting next to me at lunch. i was back upstairs at 12:20 and then had an appointment with Dr. Dani to get to know her. i was so excited i was switched from the other BEST doctor, dr. couriel. i had an immediate connection with her and am so much happier. she will go over my vitamins and thermo on monday. She also is coming up with a good plan during the IPT treatments to help support my body. i started an iV of CBD, electrolytes and multivitamins for one hour and we went to lunch with that attached. Definitely common around here! then i immediately started helixor (3 hours!), had indiba at 2:30 and then came back to rest for a bit (but people kept coming in to check on me because my blood pressure was 70/50, then increased to 75/55 – by 8 is was up to 90/60.) i had a successful Avastin iV and no migraines! that is best to do within 24 hours of the IPT (either before or after). then i had the sunivera injection. we just had dinner in the room and then we went for a walk, it was cool out and felt like it helped my low-grade fever. robert came over for our nightly visit and brought me straws! then methylene blue and red light. mom rubbed my back, which was sweet! when i was growing up we would always take turns massaging Each Other’s shoulders and have continued to do that. it’s our thing:) it is feeling pretty one-sided these days…so we will have to fix that. it will be easier when we have a living room at the condo. i need to keep my hands strong!

    on june 11 and 13 i was outside at our house and blue dragonflies landed on my hand. the first time i was washing windows, it stopped me. but then, to have it happen again 2 days later. i don’t know if a dragonfly had ever landed on my Hand, and then to happen twice! i looked up the meaning of blue dragonflies and a few things i found are: their Presence brings you unexpected miracles! amen. also, growth, patience and transformative change. it is viewed as the holy spirit and symbolizes the ability to navigate life’s challenges gracefully. isn’t that beautiful! i love how god can use nature to just touch us in a real way, make us stop, ponder, appreciate the beauty. i think of all the details of his creation that he SPOKE into Existence. wow!

    hebrews 13:8 jesus christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    luke 1:37 not one promise from god is empty of power. nothing is impossible with god!

    and Because of those two verses, we come to – 2 cor. 4:18 “so we don’t look at The troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. for the things we see now will soon be gone, but The things we cannot see wil last forever.” and what hope that is. it keeps my eyes focused, knowing i can do hard things and the lord gives me what i need each day. the pictures below are of my afternoon juice and protein smoothie, worship night, and me looking crazy in the heckel device (quite the process as you can see!). have a blessed weekend!