• day 15 – hope4Cancer

    day 15 – hope4Cancer

    good morning! i am thankful for each day and improvements. i continue to be blessed by the people we meet here, new people coming in and also people returning for their follow up appointments. there is so much love and care as we lift each other up in prayers, knowing that god is our healer. there is not one thing we can “do” to heal cancer. but there is one god that can. i just love how we all come around each other and i have been watching hearts change. that is worth all of it! psalms 143:8 let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for i am trusting you. show me where to walk, for ai give myself to you. living in that complete trust and seeking the next step is where i desire to be. to not always have to have a “plan”. it’s baby steps! each day i am surrendering and so grateful i know that the lord cares so much about me that he desires for me to be whole and healed. in these Situations, many times we want to cling on to control, which is fear. we are human and will have bad days…my prayer is that my heart and mind are aligned with god’s spirit. Luke 12:25-26 “does worry add anything to your life? can it add one more year, or even one day? so if worrying adds nothing, but actually subtracts from your life, why would you worry about god’s care of you?”

    yesterday i started with the coffee enema and b17 iV before breakfast. then after i had the oxygen chamber. i was hooked up to the helixor and then started running around to appointments! multi-tasking:) i had an appointment with dr. coriel for the BEST (Behavioral emotional spiritual therapy). honestly, he is not my favorite! i had asked to switch to dr. daniella but that did not happen. i will talk with them today. we have 3 appointments in the time we are here and 3 phone calls over the year as part of the treatment plan. i believe emotions are a huge part of our healing. i have mentioned this before but because i am such a caretaker, i have just pressed on through our family traumas and haven’t fully processed them. our body does keep score of those stored traumas, so just as if you were eating mcdonald’s every day, it eventually catches up with you. before i came, i started treating with marie who does brainspotting and prayer-therapy. it has been a huge blessing to me and an important part of my healing journey. brainspotting is a newer modality that was derived from EMDR. the goal is to help people process psychological trauma via eye movements, bilateral stimulations and client therapist attunement. ALL so interesting and who knew!? then i did the phototherapy (huge redlight!) and indiba at 12:30. after lunch i had a shot in the stomach, ugg. now two days off. my nurse joshua doesn’t know what to do with my jokes! he is such a sweet young man and have enjoyed “most” of the nurses here. there really can be a language barrier with a few of them, which is funny to me. but we usually can get things figured out. i finished the day with the sauna, PDT + and methylene blue/red light. i finished around 5:15 and dinner is at 5:30. after dinner we walked to walmart and around for some movement. there is an adorable organic coffee shop right outside of the condo i will be moving to. (i guess i can have some organic coffee!). coffee has many Pesticides and mold in the beans, so it is something to be mindful of when we are buying coffee for home. we ended our night with robert hanging out in our room talking about the lord, scripture and how he has been moving in this place! i have been sleeping a little better, still hot and restless, but i KNOW that my body is fighting so hard for me right now, so i try to be thankful. when we sleep is when our body is working on healing, god is so amazing! my central lines are a little sore and itchy, they may have to change the type of bandage they are using. it’s not a huge deal but annoying, itchy and sore! my prayer request is for the transition of matt leaving today and mom coming in. i am so excited to see her and a little sad matt is leaving (he will be back in a few weeks). also, please pray for thursday and friday. thursday they are doing the avastin in the morning and IPT in the afternoon. friday i have ultrasounds and bloodwork and then the HECKEL machine (i have talked about this but have not started it yet!). they recommend doing this the day after IPT because the cancer cells are the weakest. it is a 3 hour treatment that heats you up to around 105. i will be monitored the whole time and can drink water and electrolytes. my blood pressure runs low in general and last night was 83/55. please pray god will make my body strong and that god is using these treatments for complete healing. i am grateful for the progress and so excited to be home! in this time, pray that i can fully experience god’s peace and rest in the waiting. even though i don’t know the end date here, god does. he is giving me the strength to get through each day. luke 1:37 Not one promise from god is empty of power. nothing is impossible with god.”

    here is a message i received from our oldest daughter sammy. there is such a miracle story with her and her husband victor that i hope to share someday soon! those miracle stories are what helps us keep our eyes on jesus. i am so grateful for our “kids” and that they love the lord. i am so encouraged by her powerful words.

    “Good morning Jodi!!! Just some words of encouragement and love for you!!! We continue to pray for you, dad, Kenz, and Za and are specific in our requests! By the authority of the cross, He has sent his angels to surround you day and night. We don’t fight against flesh and blood but we fight the spiritual realm. (Eph 6:12). Though the fight you are facing is indeed physical, the war will be won in spirit. No matter what your body goes through, Jesus knows every cell in your body. Holding on to him through all of this is the best chance WE ALL have in getting through this trial. We declare victory over your health and life, so that your testimony will reach out to those who don’t know how to fight their battles! Your faith is being polished, proofed, and strengthened. You’ve been a spiritual warrior through prayer and faith for the family for so long, but I think the Lord is now teaching you surrender. When you are tired and don’t know how to continue praying, trust that the Holy Spirit will intercede for you! If I know you like I think I do, through all the trials we’ve faced, God has probably heard from you the most! You don’t have to inform Him of anything, he already knows. Now that we get to pray for you instead, rest assured that the same miracles will come through for you too!! Numbers, tests, probabilities, chances, etc are not applicable to those that are in Christ. Stay goofy, laugh, cry, and keep leaning on dad too! His hugs have healing, I know it!”

    i just keep rereading it and it brings tears to my eyes – gratitude! i love each of you and pray that you can know the peace and love of jesus. 1 thessalonians 5:16-18 let joy be your continual feast. make your life a prayer. and in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is god’s perfect plan for you in christ jesus.

    (we forgot to take pictures! i will do better today, haha!)