• day 14 – hope4Cancer

    day 14 – hope4Cancer

    one week to go here at the clinic! at the end of day 13 we went for a long walk – 2 1/2 to 3 miles. it wasn’t easy at first but got better with time and i felt like it helped the ascites. i am grateful and just love walking. i know there will be a day when it will not uncomfortably, but i will not wait to do it until then. i have to keep moving, for digestion, for lymphatic drainage, for my mental health. today, i woke up feeling much better than sunday morning and my “beer belly” seems to be getting smaller. that is SO exciting! i can feel all of these treatments are helping reset my body, things are changing!! some other exciting news is that i rented a condo for a month. it looks really nice! has aC, washer/dryer and ocean view. it is so close to the clinic. the only downfall is it’s on the 3rd floor with no elevator. but i think it will be so good for me to be running up and down the stairs. i am on the second floor here and go up and down 50 times a day. it is hard to not know the end date, so pray for that please. i trust that it is all in god’s timing. i just miss my family already and it’s been 2 weeks. i do think moving out of here and into the condo will give me more down time from the hospital setting. i also don’t know what the new treatment plan will look like. lots of questions that i hope to get answered this week. understanding things won’t be able to be answered until we know more on my labs and ultrasound. one day at a time. i was such a planner, type a, always going. i am grateful for the last year of reset. i don’t want to go back to the rat race of how i was living. thank the lord i have the most AMAZING team at bridge chiropractic. i love them all so much and wouldn’t be able to be in this place of rest without them stepping up. god knew exactly who i needed at exactly the right time. he always does:)

    today i started with the coffee enema, PEMF, vibe and breakfast. then oxygen chamber. i came back upstairs and was hooked up to both vit. c and helixor at the same time!!! are you kidding me?! 5 hours of iV’s in 3 hours, jesus loves me! it’s the little things and it really made my day. then i took the methylene blue, started the full body hyperthermia and after that phototherapy. it is nice that i can multitask the therapies and iV’s at the same time. then i got the 4th sunivera shot in the stomach! i don’t think i will ever love that! then indiba. they sanitized the clinic and we had to have lunch in our room. after we went to a cute coffee shop matt had found called Noble, he had a coffee and i had some yummy tea and then we went for a 1 1/2 mile walk. we came back to our room and i finished up with more methylene blue, red light and h2 inhaler. i was completely done by 4 and that included a date with my husband! we will go for another walk tonight after dinner with our friend robert. matt and robert have really connected so it will be sad when matt leaves wednesday for both of them. my momma is coming in wednesday and will be with me until september 8th. it will be nice for us to have extended time today, i am grateful she is able to come down. she will have to help me move out and into the condo! believing i am on the upswing and having great days ahead!

    deuteronomy 31:6 so be strong and courageous! do not be afraid and do not panic before them. for the lord your god will personally go ahead of you. he will neither fail you nor abandon you.

    psalm 27:14 here’s what i’ve learned through it all: don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the lord. be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. yes, keep on waiting- for he will nver disappoint you!

    today is filled with hope, i can see and feel the changes, praise god. i was up in the middle of the night dreaming about hamburgers, haha! so hungry. which is exciting for me! i am learning and growing. i am drawing closer to the father and he is teaching me how to rest and trust in him. so i will not fear. he ALWAYS gives us what we need for each day! the pictures are from the cute coffee shop. the third picture is what the electrical looks like right outside our room, it just doesn’t seem like it would pass american code:) i love mexico! have a blessed day everyone!