• day 13- hope4Cancer

    day 13- hope4Cancer

    i am sure by my tone this morning you all could tell i am worn out. that has been how i feel today – tired, nauseated, stomach pains, yuck. but God…i keep getting those words today. so, i keep my eyes up to the heavens and refuse to let one day change my faith. i refuse to let the enemy tell me lies about my health, about the promises god has given me. so i press in, knowing who i serve and where my foundation is. even on the days that suck! here is a paragraph out of a book i started called heaven rules. “but here’s why i’ve written this book. this same truth that corrects us is also Intended to comfort us. to reassure and free us. to catch us and keep us. “heaven rules” means he is sovereign over everything that touches us, that nothing comes to us unbidden by his desire to use it for our good and for his glory and for the greater things he created us to be a part of. he is ruler over every diagnosis and prognosis, over all incomes and outcomes, over The most daunting challenges as well as the most seemingly trivial details of our lives.”

    god is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.-john piper

    today i started with the coffee enema and the double helix water IV before breakfast. then it was PEMF and vibe. i drank the methlene blue and went to the sauna at 9:30 and back to get hooked up to the 3 hour Helixor iV. then off to the full body photo light therapy. once back in the room i rested with the h2 inhaler while i am doing this VERY long iV. indiba always feels like a massage, which is perfect for a day like today. lunch was delicious, white fish with a yummy mushroom sauce, 1/2 baked potato and green beens. there is always a salad bar for lunch too! back to the room for a shot in the belly, sunivera. then at 2 i had the oxygen chamber. when i got back i took the second round of methylene blue and was hooked up to the PDT plus with curcumin and i wore a laser watch because i was not in the mood to get poked today:) after 30 minutes i put on the red lamp for 30 minutes, which is warm and relaxing. by 4:30 i am done for the day! it was a lot of resting today, so i have to trust that is what this body needed. we are going to walk to walmart after dinner. i am feeling so darn bloated, yesterday and today. that feels discouraging because i was feeling so much better. It may be related to the new helixor IV, but i know that my body is a warrior and is kicking butt inside! today…nothing new!

    psalms 103:5 he fills my life with good things. my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. if our only hope was earth, this would not be an easy road. when i was 21 i accepted jesus into my heart. everyone thought i was crazy and religious. but it has nothing to do with religion, it’s a relationship full of complete forgiveness and grace because of jesus’ death on the cross. have i done this perfectly? so far from it! but because of what jesus has done, i do not have to be perfect. he knows we can’t. i wish people could understand the freedom that comes with this gift. there is nothing you can “do” to earn it. galatians 5:1A it is for freedom that christ has set us free. nothing more. that is powerful if we can really take ahold of what that means. it gives us freedom to be who he created us to be. to live boldly. here i sit, not “feeling” strong right now, but knowing that i will be strong again. i will. 3 john 1:2 dear friend, i hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit!

    I love each of you and appreciate your support along this journey! there is always a way to be a little goofy!