• Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    good morning! i have decided to blog the day after is just easier- my brain is fresh in the morning, after these crazy long days. i did get a few more hours of sleep the night before last. So, i am grateful. i felt great yesterday post IPT!!! i woke up ready to go at 3 am, haha! I enjoy my quiet time with the lord and then typing the blog each morning while drinking some tea! then the Usual coffee enema. the doctor said it may help some of my bloating if i switch the time to the afternoon so i may try that today. Good idea doctor:) i will say that my ascites is improving each day and the pressure feeling is all improving! i told matt to get dressed and we were escaping for a walk! 1 mile, which i know is nothing, but this last month has been rough. so praise god, my energy was great all day! we came back for breakfast and they hooked me up to the b17 IV. B17 is from apricot seeds, also called Laetrile, or Amygdalin. researchers say it has anti-cancer properties by decomposing carcinogenic substances in the body, killing cancer cells, blocking nutrient sources of the tumor cells, inhibiting cancer cell growth, and could reduce incidence of certain cancers. this can be given through IV or orally (when i go home). it also has an analgesic property and can alleviate pain. then off to the oxygen chamber, which is relaxing and i usually read. I just started a new book that was gifted by a sweet patient, it is called heaven rules! Afterwards i did the PEMF mat and vibe. i started a new immunotherapy yesterday called sunivera. this was a shot in the stomach and will be 5 days in a row, 2 off and then 5 more days prior to checking out. the sunivera immunotherapy is a protocol comprised of a number of powerful immune-modulating substances that function synergistically to strengthen the immune system. this helps to “turn on” the immune Systems’ ability to recognize cancer and Rebuilds the immune system from a variety of angles. GcMAF stands for Gc protein derived macrophage activating factor, which is a regulatory protein that supports the immune system and its primary job is to activate the macrophages. these are an immune cell Involved in recognizing and killing cancer cells. it is important that vit. d levels are at the correct level as they work together. i took the magic methylene blue and then 30 minutes later jumped on the Full body phototherapy (redlight) table for 30 minutes. then indiba and the sauna. a quick shower and we were running a little late for lunch! lunch was so yummy, it was a zucchini lasagna with mushrooms, it had the best flavor. They have me on high protein, so i also got a huge piece of salmon and a salad. but the exciting news is that i ate most of it and did not have so much discomfort. praise god! because i lOVE eating! then it was PDT plus with artemisia and the h2 inhaler. they changed the dressing on the central line every 3 days. so i ran to do that and then back upstairs for the new medicine post IPT… called avastin. a common drug used in the uS. sometimes decisions are so hard when it needs to be made quickly. side effects are internal bleeding, high Blood pressure, and 70% of the time people get migraines during the treatment. also, this is adding an additional $1250 to each week on top of the chemo! so, we prayed. we are completely trusting these doctors and feel they follow the lord and are rooting for each of us here. so i had that iV before dinner. they give you a steroid prior and then I waited 15 minutes to began the hour drip of Avastin. Avastin belongs to a class of medications called antiangiogenic agents. Avastin works by stopping the formation of blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to tumors. This may slow the growth and spread of tumors. matt prays over each therapy while holding each iV they are putting in me. he asks for god’s blessings over it, to heal and support my body. yesterday i also needed some snuggle time during the avastin and he crawled into the twin bed with me! we cranked up praise music. i prayed and thanked god that i was the 30% and did not get a migraine!! my head felt a little fuzzy at dinner but was perfect an hour later. after dinner i took more methyl blue and went for round two of vibe plate and pEMF pad. then came back to the room to visit with matt and our friend, robert! i ended the night with the red lamp over my stomach (post methlene blue) for 30 minutes. the days go quickly with all of the things…but i am so grateful for the sweet relationships i have met here. it is a connection that is hard to describe and there is so much love. jesus’ presence is all over this place of hope.

    yesterday, when i was praying about what to talk about today, the lord reminded me of some words he gave me when kenzee was a baby. honestly, i do not want to share this…but here we go. i was at a women of faith conference and i heard the lord speak clearly saying, “someday that will be you up there speaking.” i quickly said, “oh no, i love ministering one on one, but i do NOT do public speaking lord-wrong girl!” then lets fastforward a bit, my son almost died from a fetal maternal Hemorrhage, he had a 1-2% chance of living. every organ shut down. i heard the lord say, “i am healing isaiah at 100%, trust me.” he gave me the verses from isaiah 40:28-31. from that moment, i put my hope in his words to me and was SO confident in His words to me. unwavering. the doctors gave me medical facts but i believed the creator of the universe instead. i had to cling to that word he gave me. we now have an 18 year old, 6 ft 1 in back flipping, boxing, fishing lover, hard-working, jesus loving yount man! amen. then in 2017 when matt had his cardiac arrest i was back on my knees, i spent my days hovered over his bed, crying out to my miracle worker. again, i later learned that he had a 1-2% change of living without brain damage post cardiac arrest and the cool-it method they used to preserve his brain. another miracle. so, here we are. god has been so, so faithful. each of those trials have changed me, each time making me more like jesus. taking my eyes off myself, knowing that the god of the universe is by my side. he is not leaving me. then a year ago after the diagnosis i heard the lord say “hope, healing, heaven”. i assumed he was saying i would right a book at some point. then a year later after the new news and the plan for mexico he said now is the time and it’s a blog, and here we are! i just want to be obedient, open, humble. to be used, by him, is such a blessing to my soul. so today remember matthew 19:26 jesus looked at them intently and said, “humanly speaking, it is impossible. but with god everything is possible.”