• Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    HI everyone! are we sick of talking about sleep and coffee enemas yet! i am…another night with 4 1/2 hours which i know i mentioned already. so i pray. lot’s of praying over all of my new friends. I was picturing angels over each of our beds protecting us and healing us. then after several hours, i was asking the lord to have the angel either hit me over the head with a hammer or pixie dust to put me to sleep. that was an unanswered prayer! i got up around 5:15 and worked on the blog. I am taking the melatonin in the middle Of The Night, maybe two! today i had the sweetest gift from some of my highschool girlies (Tab, val and stacy!!)! they gave me a cooling blanket and some cooling clothes, so thoughtful and i am so excited to add this to my routine! there has been some funny bantering between us during my enemas, which is a dangerous time to giggle! lol. i have learned in this situation, we just say it like it is! i think it is hilarious, every day i am giggling about several things that are happening! also, i want to say THANK YOU for all of the sweet words, they honestly make my day and i am honored by all of the love. i do not have time to respond to everyone, but i do read all of the comments and they warm my heart!

    Today after the coffee enema i did vibe and PEMF, and the oxygen chamber. after that i was hooked up to the vit. c IV which is a long one, so i multitasked with full body hyperthermia. I started a new treatment today (less new things than what i was told, yeah!) it is called methylene blue drops. you add them to water and chug it down. it is a little bitter, but not bad. i have to do this 2 times a day, 10 drops in the morning and then 10 in the afternoon and work up to 20. check out the picture below! i drank the first time quickly and instead of a milk mustache i had a smurf mustache. some people get the iV of it and actually turn bluish green, it is crazy! then this afternoon i did much more slowly which equaled VERY blue lips and teeth! so i guess i have to pick which one i would rather have. another option is to add ascorbic acid (vit. C powder) to it and then it turns it clear, then you drink it and it turns back blue again in the stomach. this will make my urine look special too:) methylene blue works by Increasing mitochondrial respiration and transporting electrons through the electron transport chain (ETC) to release energy. Boosting oxygen metabolism and transport, necessary for mitochondrial respiration and cellular energy production. Rerouting electrons to deliver needed energy for repair, even before the job is complete. Acting as an antioxidant by inhibiting enzymes and increasing serotonin and norepinephrine levels, which affect energy, memory, and mood. the methyl blue is attracted to the cancer cells. i have to wait 30 Minutes and then use the full body red light (photo therapy) in the morning and then they have a portable light that i used last evening after IPT and dinner. this will be a new daily therapy. It seems i run out of hours in the day! around 3:45 they picked us up for IPT (low dose chem). here is a short Explanation: (IPT) Insulin Potentiation Therapy (cancerdoctor.com). they started me on a bag of fluids and Benadryl. then it was two types of chemo, it was carboplatin and docetaxel. part way through they checked my blood sugar levels, then give me the insulin, to drop blood sugars to the 50’s. then they gave me peach juice, an apple and banana. the insulin opens the receptors to the cancer cells and then they love to eat up that sugar. this all makes the chemo more specific and targeted. I did ask about “low dose” and the doctor said it is 20-25% of the normal dose in america. this makes it possible to do the treatments weekly vS. every three weeks. there is so much research on this and the doctor i spoke with here at the clinic has been working with it since 1999. i had to go off site to do this treatment, as they only do more of the natural things within the clinic. i believe it is the benefit of coming to tiajuana. they also have resources for radiation, surgeries, etc. everything is done at a different scale than in america. for example i met the sweetest woman doing radiation for 10 treatments total. that number in america is way more, 5 times a week for 6 weeks (all depending). I had learned earlier about radiation and the abscopal effect. i won’t go into it, but may be worth a google if you like that kind of stuff!

    thursdays is worship night! so after my methyl blue/red light therapy i went down for the last hour. that fills my soul and there were sO many more people this week, praise god. i am so grateful for pastor michael and his heart for jesus. he literally radiates light and it’s Contagious!

    psalms 139: 14-18 I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord! You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place; carefully, skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something. You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.

    I was thinking about how god knows us, deeply, how many hairs on our heads, how many cancer cells are in this body. i am not doing this on my own, he is protecting and guiding every decision, he is healing me. he wants me to live a long life, because i can do more to share about his love and grace if i am in the land of the living. psalm 91:16 I will reward them with a long life
    and give them my salvation. in that, i hope to honor this blessing he has given me. not perfectly, but humbly. with joy and laughter. i had gotten way to serious in life, always running, chasing things that didn’t matter. but god, in his grace, has redirected me back to him so i can see his face and hear what he has for me. psalms 25:4 direct me, Yahweh, throughout my journey so i can experience YOUR plans for my life. reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you.

    today i will have more new things. | believe i will be starting the heckel treatments, 3 hours of internal cooking- so please pray for that. my blood pressure is naturally very low so that is my concern. they are also going to start me on a new med called Avastin, one of the side effects is elevated blood pressure! haha. so maybe we can get mine to 100/65 vs. 83/55. on a positive note! please also pray that my red and white blood cells stay strong so i can continue the weekly treatments. have a blessed friday!