Author: Jodi

  • Day 5 hope4Healing

    Day 5 hope4Healing

    Hello Everyone! Last night I did not sleep well, which was a bummer. I have been waking up with night sweats, i never have had them until we arrived and now they are nightly. so it seems like every other night then i can’t fall back asleep. so please pray…

  • Day 4 Hope4Cancer

    Hope and rest. those are my words for today. Romans 5:5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Today started with my favorite coffee enema. Then…

  • Day 3 Hope4Cancer

    I know this is coming in late! Today has been a day, a long one, filled with tears, yet there is still joy. I said i would be vulnerable, even when it’s hard. This road is a tough one, one that I did not see coming. Psalms 105:4 Search for…

  • Day2 Hope4Cancer

    Day2 Hope4Cancer

    Today started early with a Vitamin C IV that took 2 hours! Coffee enemas with ozone are a fun daily experience. I like to do it asap to “get it over with!” Then we had breakfast which was scrambled eggs with veggies. One lady walked into breakfast this morning and…

  • Day 1 Hope4Cancer

    Last night we got in late so I ran out of steam to post anything. Today is not a “normal day” here, but tomorrow will be much busier. It was testing today, blood draw, Urine and an ultrasound. then I will be meeting with the doctor tomorrow morning for the…

  • Facebook Update

    Facebook Update

    One year ago today I had a surgery that changed my life forever. Has it been easy, nope. But SO good and I will never be the same. We take for granted our health. I have always taken care of my body to the best of my ability. On July…

  • Ovarian Cancer – High Grade Serous Stage 2 / Peritoneal carcinomatoses

    Ovarian Cancer – High Grade Serous Stage 2 / Peritoneal carcinomatoses

    On July 27, 2023 I had surgery to remove a tumor that was on my left falopian tube/ovary, it was determined to be HGS Ovarian Cancer. That day I had a full hysterectomy. I choose to not do the chemotherapy. I treated with many natural modalities and practitioners. On July…