Author: Jodi

  • day 16 – hope4Cancer

    day 16 – hope4Cancer

    another day in the books! i plan on doing daily updates until i check out of the clinic and move to the condo. i will probably switch to a few times each week depending. i have enjoyed this and it feels good to recap each day. it will be a…

  • day 15 – hope4Cancer

    day 15 – hope4Cancer

    good morning! i am thankful for each day and improvements. i continue to be blessed by the people we meet here, new people coming in and also people returning for their follow up appointments. there is so much love and care as we lift each other up in prayers, knowing…

  • day 14 – hope4Cancer

    day 14 – hope4Cancer

    one week to go here at the clinic! at the end of day 13 we went for a long walk – 2 1/2 to 3 miles. it wasn’t easy at first but got better with time and i felt like it helped the ascites. i am grateful and just love…

  • day 13- hope4Cancer

    day 13- hope4Cancer

    i am sure by my tone this morning you all could tell i am worn out. that has been how i feel today – tired, nauseated, stomach pains, yuck. but God…i keep getting those words today. so, i keep my eyes up to the heavens and refuse to let one…

  • day 12 – hope4Cancer

    day 12 – hope4Cancer

    good morning, the last two nights have been better sleep! i am very thankful and know it is what my body needs right now for healing. i decided to wait until the afternoon for the coffee enema yesterday, but i didn’t notice a change with the bloating so i will…

  • Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    Day 11 – Hope4Cancer

    good morning! i have decided to blog the day after is just easier- my brain is fresh in the morning, after these crazy long days. i did get a few more hours of sleep the night before last. So, i am grateful. i felt great yesterday post IPT!!! i woke…

  • Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    Day 10 – hope4Cancer

    HI everyone! are we sick of talking about sleep and coffee enemas yet! i am…another night with 4 1/2 hours which i know i mentioned already. so i pray. lot’s of praying over all of my new friends. I was picturing angels over each of our beds protecting us and…

  • Day 9 – Hope4Cancer

    Day 9 – Hope4Cancer

    Good morning! I tried SO hard to do this last night and fell asleep with the laptop in bed. so, we will try again. yesterday was HARD! ugg. i felt off all day and i think i was lonesome for kenzee and not being able to hug her, love her…

  • day T8 / Hope4Cancer

    hard to believe the treatment all started last tuesday. it has gone fast, as the days are busy. i am missing the kids and being home. so keep that in your prayers please that the lord will give me strength. I know it is hard for some of the women…

  • Day 6/7 Hope4Cancer

    Day 6/7 Hope4Cancer

    Good morning everyone! A new computer was purchased, not part of the plan. the funny part is that all of the settings are in spanish and we do not know how to change it, also certain functions are different. so this will be interesting:) but matt can work and i…