Author: Jodi

  • Week 8 – H4C

    Week 8 – H4C

    I am HOME!!! Even if only for 10 days, I choose to be grateful. It seems we just plug away in life, until we are stopped dead in our tracks. But it is in those moments we have choices. We can be angry, the “why me” or… we can have…

  • Week 7 H4C

    Week 7 H4C

    Praise and prayer request! First, my praise is that “the numbers” decreased from 2270 to 1785. That is 21% in the last two weeks with no IPT or as many therapies! The prayer request is a BIG one. Over the last week the ascites has returned and now is pretty…

  • Week 6 H4C

    Week 6 H4C

    Waiting…and more waiting. Psalms 27:14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. I am a planner. Always have been. I am in this season of life where NOTHING can…

  • Week 5 H4C

    Week 5 H4C

    It has been over a week since my last post! Lots of things have happened. My sister left Sunday and Matt came in that evening. WE HAVE A GRANDSON!!!! Sweet Elijah Leandro Taveira. I received my 4th IPT treatment last Thursday and Heckel Friday. Monday, I received 3 shots, Sunivera,…

  • Day 28-30 H4C

    Day 28-30 H4C

    Joy and suffering. Early on in the blog I shared this message that I had heard from Revelation Wellness podcast. Joy in the right hand and suffering in the left, at the same time. I keep coming back to it as I look at my face in many of these…

  • days 25-27 H4C

    days 25-27 H4C

    my mom left today…that time went so fast and it was sad to have her leave. i needed her more than i realized and am so grateful for all of her love and spoiling. there is nothing like a mother’s love, even as a 46 year old! i just got…

  • day 22-24 h4C

    day 22-24 h4C

    god is faithful as the journey continues. first, i have a bunch of praises. my mom…i can’t even tell you how grateful i am for her. i also can’t imagine having to see your child go through this fight. i know it is so hard on her and my dad,…

  • Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    Day 21 – hope4Cancer

    my “last” full day at the clinic full-time. it is Bittersweet. many of the close friendships i have made will be leaving soon. when you go through this treatment with others, there is a unique connection that is Indescribable. the love and care is so present, it’s real. it’s jesus.…

  • Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    Day 19/20 hope4Cancer

    well, i have been slacking on keeping up with daily reports! yesterday was a great day, i had good energy. today i felt weak, tired and nauseated. please pray for renewed strength tomorrow. another prayer request is my weight. they weigh each of us on sunday, today i weighed 125…

  • Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    Day 17/18 hope4Cancer

    well, it has been a different last two days since mom has gotten here with therapies! thursday i felt fuzzy in my head after Benadryl and yesterday i started my day early with ultrasounds and blood work so i haven’t had much time. god has been gracious and i am…