• Week 5 H4C

    Week 5 H4C

    It has been over a week since my last post! Lots of things have happened. My sister left Sunday and Matt came in that evening. WE HAVE A GRANDSON!!!! Sweet Elijah Leandro Taveira. I received my 4th IPT treatment last Thursday and Heckel Friday. Monday, I received 3 shots, Sunivera, Mistletoe (Helixor), and Aarsota (the vaccine out of my ascites-one to go), IV of Curcumin and Poly MVA. On our walk back to the hotel I got the full body shakes. I likely had a fever, skipped dinner and went straight to bed at 6 pm until 5:30. We went to the clinic for an early blood draw, and I came back for breakfast and another 2-hour nap. Then we headed back to the clinic, I continued to have a headache and just didn’t feel right. We ran to grab lunch and by the end I was having full body shakes again. They began at 2:10 and by 3 pm I was already having the central line removed. They check my vitals and I have an elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, low oxygen and my temp was 103.1. Within an hour my temp went up to 105.1! It takes a few days to check for bacteria, from the central line and they drew more blood to test for a few other things. So, we spent the afternoon evening at the clinic receiving many things to help. First a liter of electrolytes and fluids, then an IV of Tylenol, then another 1/2 liter of electrolytes/fluids. They were hoping to start my on the oral antibiotics, but the pharmacy was closed so I got them Wednesday. My fever decreased to 99.5ish by the time we left the clinic. They check my blood pressure several times and it went from 130/80 to 70/45 and would not change from that. I felt wiped out and not completely myself yesterday either, but SO much better. The fever did not return! Today I started with an early blood draw. Matt and I hung out at the clinic and I did a few therapies as we were waiting for the labs to come back around 11. The news was not what we had hoped, and I am fighting an infection but will not know what for sure until Friday sometime. In the meantime, I will continue those antibiotics and know God is using them to heal my body. So this week I have not really done any IV’s since Monday. I was unable to do IPT today. I am trying to not let it get me down. I will know more next week once we see how my body is healing and when we talk with the chemo doctors. I am hoping it just postpones one week and I can still come home the end of the first week in October. They also rechecked the ca125. I am not a number. It is what “they” use to check how things are going. That number was 3000 when I arrived, it went up to 5295 (which they said happens once there is die off of the cancer). Today it was 2370! So, I am encouraged that it is going the right way, and we are shooting for 0-35! I am doing great (minus this strange infection!), walking and feeling so much more like my normal self! So, while they focus on this numbers, I will focus on God’s truth.

    He says, “I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” Psalms 91:16.

    Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s! Psalms 103:1-5

    Let’s talk a bit more about the 105.1 temp. I believe that is a big “THANK YOU JESUS” moment. Cancer dies when out temp is over 102. I have only been able to get my temp up to 103.9 with the over 3-hour Heckel machine! Who needs Heckel:) You know how we have talked that God uses ALL things for His glory, yep, He does that. Over and over! That was a crazy fever, the shaking, all the feelings. I never get fevers or really sick. I look at this as, MY body kicking butt, it is so exciting! Especially, now that I am through it, ha-ha! Many of the therapies I am doing are to stimulate my body’s immune/defense system to kick into gear. Often times when we are stuck in “fight or flight” our bodies are running on adrenaline and eventually stop working the right way and not fighting off intruders the way it should. So, even though it may not look as I had hoped, I remain hopeful. I give the Lord this journey knowing confidently He is using it ALL for my good. He is so faithful. I do wish I could have done IPT today, but I also want what is best for my fighting body. On a side note, I hopped on a scale Monday and had gained 2.5lbs! Hopefully it stuck with the crazy fever and missing dinner!

    I am going to type out what my “normal new schedule” looks like (although I can refuse or change the IV’s as needed). I continue to do PEMF, Vibe plate, H2 inhaler, and Phototherapy daily.

    Monday: Curcumin and Poly MVA IV’s

    Tuesday: Blood draw, CBD IV

    Wednesday: Curcumin and Poly MVA IV’s

    Thursday: Blood draw, IPT (no vitamins on IPT day)

    Friday: Heckel, Artesunate, 50g Vit C, Avastin

    Saturday: Selenium and Poly MVA IV’s

    While this week did not turn out as planned, we keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. I have meet so many sweet people at the clinic, which seems to be filling up again. I got to visit with this sweet young man who is fighting from Oregon. We visited for quite a while and to hear him and his dreams and excitement of his plans for his life. He reminded me SO much of my son. I just can’t even. I was praying, Jesus, help me to hold it in until I walk away. I get to Matt and the tears are running down my face and are again as I am typing this. I also met the most amazing woman today (my age) who is here with her 19-year-old son, WHO IS HER CARETAKER! He is the most mature, kind, hard-working, sweet young man who just loves his mom so much. He is helping her pay for her care, because “there is nothing more they can do for her” in America. But no, we do NOT believe any of that. They gave her a few months 1 1/2 years ago! She grabs my hand to pray over me this morning once I got the news about the infection. Do you all understand that THIS is what life is about!? I will never be the same. I am so touched by all of my new friends. The love here is like nothing I can type or explain, until you see us all build each other up, pray over whoever needs prayers and just truly listen with the hope and truth of our Saviour. I am so grateful for the amount of love that Jesus is showing me through the people around me. I hope I can give a fraction of what I have been given. I also pray that whoever is reading this will be so encouraged and touched. Our life is short here, but eternity is forever!