• days 25-27 H4C

    days 25-27 H4C

    my mom left today…that time went so fast and it was sad to have her leave. i needed her more than i realized and am so grateful for all of her love and spoiling. there is nothing like a mother’s love, even as a 46 year old! i just got back from the clinic, sundays are my sleepy days. the last few sundays i have been nauseated, tired, and weak. they said that is common the 3rd day after IPT. today, just sleepy! praise god. i am on my new regime this week and they gave me support for post IPT chemo, so i believe that helped me too! IPT went great, my head feels fuzzy after and i believe that is from the one iV that is similar to Benadryl but stronger. it puts me right to sleep like a baby! this week i fasted all day and when nurse ester tested my blood sugar it was 85! (the last 2 weeks it was 117 and 105). that was much improved and what they are hoping for is 80-90’s. after the insulin it went down to 46…that is when i get to chow down. i had a big sandwich, banana and apple. then when we got back to the room mom had little candy bars and hot Tomales that i had. then we went out for a cheeseburger, fries and ice cream. then i thought i was going to throw up, hah! i can’t imagine why?! i was sleeping by 8:30 and unfortunately did not sleep very well past the first three hours. i know this seems crazy to eat so BAD, it does for me and i have struggled with it. but next week i will not be eating the fruit and just focusing on “bad” sugar, like ice cream, chocolate, pizza, etc. the reason is that god’s sugar molecules spin left. bleached processed sugar molecules spin right. the cancer likes that type of sugar and gobbles it up. so, when they introduce the insulin, it goes to the cancer cell receptors, when i eat the “bad” sugar it goes straight to the cancer cells and as they are eating up the sugar it is also eating up the chemo! i hope that makes sense! so, i am told to “cheat”. i was too nervous the first two times, as i have been eating pretty strict. even the fresh bread Sandwich seems like a “no-no”. the goal is to kill these cancer cells, so bad sugar it is! i make a lot of funny faces and mom has seemed to catch them all! it is such a funny place to do chemo, leave it to me to do it this way! it looks like a house. they are very sweet and i am grateful to be here getting treatments in a way that works for me and makes sense. also, mom has so much peace about the ways they treat patients here and she read most of the book, hope for cancer and really is impressed with the care of the whole person. i am thankful to have such an awesome support system!

    Fridays are BIG days for me. we woke up and were hanging out and then i got a call that heckel was at 8 instead of 9! the call was at 7:44 and said they couldn’t be here until after 8, so i threw on clothes and walked quickly to the clinic! i am so excited to walk quickly! until you CAN’T do something we often don’t appreciate it. so i got there at 7:58, haha! and then waited for them to get everything ready until 8:30, “mexico time!” Luckily, i had already drank a large bottle of body temp water with salt and an electrolyte drink. i actually did much better this time. i think hydration is key. my body temp seemed to rise more quickly this week and my temp got up to 103.9. the goal is around 105, but anything over 102 kills cancer! it takes hours for my temp to go back to normal. they keep me in the room cooling down to around 102 before they let me go. you can see my beautiful picture below with a cold wash clothe on my head. they started me with 500mg Artesunate and then immediately with 50g of vitamin C to support my body from the chemo. the most i have done was 25g and so my stomach was a little upset (diarrhea, in case you care, haha! this blog is getting real!). it took me a few times to get use to the 25g, so i assume it will be the same. then i did the phototherapy, PEMF, Vibe, H2 inhaler. mom brought me a salad that she made at the hotel, which was Delicious! then we decided to walk back thinking we were done for the day. about 1 Minute from the hotel, i got a call that i had to do the avastin…oops! Luckily, they had time and came to pick us up to run us back to the clinic. avastin takes an hour and i have had zero side Effects. part of my concern with the avastin was right after they recommended it for Me, i had spoken with my friend kevin who is a patient. his colon ruptured and he has a colostomy bag now because of The damage. he looked up the dose they had given him, which was 4000mg. the dose i am taking is 100mg! once we talked through all of that, i have much more peace and trust this is all part of the plan to get me well. then we walked back to the hotel and just had a night in. i am wiped out that day. mom made me chicken tacos with almond tortillas and green beans. we watched a movie and she massaged me, this was our nightly routine! hopefully my sister and matt have strong hands and are ready:)

    Saturday was our fun day! we ran to the clinic early so i could do the therapies and have two iV’s. on Saturdays i will get poly-MVA and Selenium. Poly-MVA is a powerful nutritional supplement. i googled it the other day and wikipedia says it was created by Merrill garnett, a former dentist turned biochemist. poly-mVA is an INEFFECTIVE alternative cancer treatment. it just cracks me up. we live in backwards world. my advice is research because our information is very controlled. you have to dig deep. what it DOES do, is assist in preventing cellular damage and enhance proper cellular function. supports cellular and tissue oxygenation. helps the body to produce energy for proper cell function. supports the liver in removing harmful substances from the body. works as a powerful antioxidant. supports nerve and neurotransmitter function. most the of the patients doing IPT receive selenium the day or two after. this is an essential trace mineral that works as an antioxidant by scavenging damaging free radicals from the body. it is necessary for proper immune function. i have tried looking this up for more info and can not find much, so i plan to speak with the doctors this week. then we scooted out and back to the hotel for a quick lunch. we got an uber and went to a beach called rosarito. it was about 45 minutes away. the beach was crazy busy and some seaweed, but much cleaner than the beach in tijuana! i was happy to sit under our umbrella and listen to the ocean. we did a little walking and just relaxed. then we came back and went out for a steak dinner. my hemoglobin was 11 on thursday, so red meat it is! they were so kind and gave us guacamole, which was made at our table and was the best mom and i have EVER had. i always order this when we are in mexico so it was funny that they just gave it to us without us asking. i enjoyed every taste of it, chips too! i unfortunately, couldn’t eat the noodles or shrimp. the ribeye was amazing and praying some of it will stick to my ribs! then our awesome server brought us those cute little margaritas (mom enjoyed them!). Saturday almost felt like we were down here on vacation. it was a great last day with mom. we came back to a movie and more massaging…spoiled. this morning we just woke up and hung out at the hotel. at 11:45 we were picked up to the clinic where mom’s ride was waiting for her. i stayed for a bit to do my few therapies, but no iV’s today. i tried to rest a bit, but no naps. hoping to have another awesome night of sleep! jaimee just landed and mom and her saw each other at the airport. hoping to take jaimee to alma verde tonight for dinner or hang here, whatever she is up for. lots of pictures again!

    psalm 91:2 he’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only god for me, and my great confidence. that is where my confidence is. period. doctors can give us their “facts”, but god. he is a miracle-worker, way-maker, healer, provider, protector. he created the universe with HIS WORD. i am taking one day at a time. trusting he will provide in every way. i just have to take the step and he will guide me. it is really peaceful knowing there is nothing i have to do. i can’t believe tomorrow is a month since i arrived. i miss my family so much, but i know i will see them soon. we don’t know when i will get to come home, but i have the hotel booked to october 3rd. i have others that can rotate down here depending. please pray for my peace to continue, the hemoglobin to stay up, liver enzymes, white blood cells, etc. also, that i will continue to feel awesome and keep improving. please pray for matt and the kids, i haven’t shared all of the crazy things that are happening at home. our basement had flooded, kenzee’s car was hit on the street and then today our big chest freezer died in the garage (and we just bought a quarter beef)- most of the meat can be saved but SERIOUSLY!! thankfully matt is awesome and just handling everything. i know this is so hard to be away from me and then he has to continue to put out all of these fires. Romans 5:3-5 we can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. and endurance develops strength of character, and character Strengthens our confident hope of salvation. and this hope will not lead to disappointment. for we know how dearly god loves us, because he has given us the holy spirit to fill our hearts with love.

    sorry this is so long today. lastly, one of the sweet angels i met here, lee, pasted away last week. she was from australia. it was a joy to meet her and her dear sister. you know when you meet someone and you have a connection, that was both of them. her sister kylie is the sweetest soul and just loved her sister so much. please pray for their family as they are mourning.

    thank you for all of the love and prayers.