• day 16 – hope4Cancer

    day 16 – hope4Cancer

    another day in the books! i plan on doing daily updates until i check out of the clinic and move to the condo. i will probably switch to a few times each week depending. i have enjoyed this and it feels good to recap each day. it will be a blessing for me to look back on for encouragement. a few things i was praying about today. once we pray for healing, we are healed and have to speak as we are. pastor michael says grab your healing like a bulldog and don’t let go! so, i am. i will not use the words my “this or that.” get the drift:) the numbers, the cancer, etc. it is not mine. isaiah 53:5 aMP but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our wickedness (our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing); the punishment (required) for our well-being bell on him, and by this stripes (wounds) we are hEALED. he died not only for our sins but also for our healing. he is the same god, yesterday, today and tomorrow. once his word is spoken it doesn’t change, ever! amen:)

    one of my Favorite nurses, joshua, always says this sentence and it just struck me today as i was starting a therapy, as he is closing the door he said, “enjoy the moment.” i love that. enjoy the moment. how often do we not enjoy the moments because we are too busy or thinking about our to-do list. i am enjoying the moments here. thanking god for the opportunity for all of this amazing care and therapies. thanking god for the time to rest, reset, and restore this 46 year old body!

    this morning i started with the coffee enema, vibe plate and pEMF. then breakfast time! after i did the UVBI with the H2 inhaler. matt had to leave at 10am for his ride to the airport…long day waiting for his 5pm flight. they did a full random van search through the border, it was good for matt to experience that, haha! every morning and afternoon they bring me green/red juice and protein shakes! then full body hyperthermia, methylene blue drops, and oxygen chamber. after the chamber i was hooked up to vit. c and helixor. i guess the helixor starts at 50 mg and goes up to 400 mg, which i am at the highest dose now. i do feel a little fuzzy in my head and sleepy right now which is common. indiba, then lunch and phototherapy. after 3 hours i was unhooked, but again, so thankful i can do certain therapies, or go to lunch with the iV! i am free! it was an earlier day today! mom got here around 6:15 and we had dinner. now back in the room unpacking and relaxing for the night!

    my friend sharon said, “i can do what god can do and god will do what oNLY he can do!”