• Day 5 hope4Healing

    Day 5 hope4Healing

    Hello Everyone! Last night I did not sleep well, which was a bummer. I have been waking up with night sweats, i never have had them until we arrived and now they are nightly. so it seems like every other night then i can’t fall back asleep. so please pray for that silliness. i spend the night praying for all of my new friends, thinking about what i need my mom to bring me, what i will send home with matt, what questions i have for the doctor, who will come stay with me next, which hotel or airbnb we will go to after our 3 weeks here, lOL. Just wide awake! I do have times to rest throughout the day with my laying down therapies, so that helps me to get caught up. honestly, i have been such an active person and so my body is thinking what the heck woman!! plus church probably affected my energy, so i am wide awake, laying in bed for 3 hours and decided enough of that. let’s start with the verse of the day, mark 9:24 I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief. God says if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains. that seems like a bigger task than just believing the lord can heal miraculously, are you with me?! i also believe we have to accept the healing from the lord with the spiritual authority we have been given when we accept jesus. there is power in HIS name, amen and amen!

    yesterday, We had the usual beginning Of the day. After breakfast i have the oxygen champer, Then B-17 IV and H2 inhaler. It rotates between Vit. C and B-17. B-17 takes 30 min and Vit. C takes 2 hrs, so i like the B-17 days:) Usual PEMF and Vibe machine. We are getting in a bit of a routine with new things added each day. After lunch I had my fav INDIBA treatment! I think because it feels like massage. They do have options of acupuncture, chiropractic, lymphatic massage here as well. I will speak with the doctors about a few of those extras next week. Not sure where i fit that in:) my new therapy was PDT plus (photodynamic therapy plus) with Curcumin IV. I have included pictures, so cool! This I will rotate with the UVBI which I shared about yesterday. PDT plus uses advanced multi-wavelength laser light technology that delivers specific wavelengths in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. they use a Fiberoptic technology to deliver laser light through catheters that can be applied intravenously, topically or directly into the tumor. So while i am here it is intravenous, when i go home they will send my with an oral activator and then a laser watch. by Employing this technology, PDT plus has overcome one of the most significant drawbacks of the previous treatment and that was its poor depth of penetration. today they gave me an iV bag of curcumin and the next treatment will be Artemisia (worm wood), these are activators. like many things god has given us in nature, light therapies serve a multitude of purposes. 1. cytotoxic properties 2. increase oxygen uptake in the blood 3. enhance metabolic processes 4. decrease and remove bad proteins like LDL, lipoproteins (cholesterol) from the blood 5. stimulate the mitochondria and ATP or energy production 6. Stabilize healthy cell membranes 7. help increase the release of melatonin (that did really work last night, haha!) 8. demonstrate anti-microbial effects. this info i am giving you on the therapies is in Dr. tony’s book called Hope for Cancer. Matt has been awesome and read through the whole book, 400 pages. He is so excited about it and is like a kid, “did you know…so and so!” I am grateful to have him here, he is in 100% and cheering me on, he is my prayer warrior (multiple times throughout the day). We have been through so much together, i know this is hard for him on multiple levels. i would say, i do not “love” being on this side. i love being the caretaker, not the receiver of it! but we know that the lord is using this journey to stretch and grow me in new ways. so i choose to walk humbly into that. i am just accepting when people offer, whatever it is. we like to be tough, or i do, but right now is not the time for that. 2 chorinthians 12:9 but he answered me, “my grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its FULL expression through your weakness.” so i will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak i sense more deeply the mighty power of christ living in me. (many of the verses i have shared are the TPT version, i just think it is a beautiful version. it is only psalms, proverbs and the new testament). lastly, i had the red light sauna, that thing is HOT! i love it so much. back to the “mexico time thing”, my appointment was at 3, i got in at 4:30. But the lord had other plans, i had an amazing conversation with lance and wouldn’t have had that opportunity and he heads home today! i quickly ran back to the room to shower, eat my dinner alone – it’s the chicken…i am going to ask the nutritionist monday if i can have it every other day so i don’t have to eat in my room. i feel like i am in trouble! i understand it is silly, but i just love people and the amazing conversations we have. something i don’t know if i shared yet, but the week before we came i was really grieving the loss of chiropractic (for now!!!!). the lord gave me words earlier this year as i was seeking him about my identity, they are healer, caretaker, leader and overcomer! it fills me so much to love people, heal, build relationships. so i just cried it out for 3 days. then…i realized that my hands may not be doing the healing anymore, bUT i am still a healer. it looks different, but god is and will keep using me. spiritual healing vs. physical. giving people hope when things seem hopeless. i am forever grateful and will keep pressing on. one day at a time!

    Then 5 of us were off to church up on the hill, a bumpy 25 minute drive. Pastor michael is one of the most amazing men, with a joyful and passionate heart. they have a beautiful ministry where they take in people- many boys and young men, mostly drug Addict’s and give them hope. he calls them his sons. many of them play in the band. after worship, in his sermon Pastor michael talked about fearing the lord. people can take that in a way that is not intended, especially Religion does that with guilt and shame. which is the enemy, not the lord. fearing the lord is a deep awe, a Reverence for our creator. he also spoke of spiritual authority that as believers we have to take a hold of all god has given us through jesus. it was a blessed long day and now to start the next one on 4 hours of sleep! so i will leave you with one of my favorite verses and a good one to memorize! 2 timothy 1:7 for god will NEVER give you the spirit of fear, but the holy spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. Amen!