• Day 3 Hope4Cancer

    I know this is coming in late! Today has been a day, a long one, filled with tears, yet there is still joy. I said i would be vulnerable, even when it’s hard. This road is a tough one, one that I did not see coming. Psalms 105:4 Search for the lord and for his strength; continually seek him. remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given.

    This morning I had the central line (not a port – i was incorrect!) put in (after the b17 IV and my very favorite coffee enema!). Then I met with Dr. Romero briefly, he is my main doctor that I will meet with daily for check-ins. The big appointment today was with Dr. Mercado and Dr. Romero. This was to go over my labs and ultrasound from tuesday. This was the tough stuff. They have been tracking my CA-125 in the states. Prior to my hysterectomy the number was 1086. After surgery at 6 weeks it was 14, followed by 6,6,34,172. Today that number is close to 2900. Ugg, like a punch in the gut. The “stage” was up there on this big white board with the numbers and then their plan of action. Use your imagination. They made some changes to the original care plan. Tomorrow I will have another paracentesis and they will take the fluid to the lab and make a vaccine called Autologous Antigen receptor specific oncogenic target acquisition (AAROTA). This promotes my antigen antibody response and provide info to the antibodies. This response enhances a specific cancer fighting ability in your body’s defense system. They can also do this with urine, pretty cool! the other treatment they added is Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is an alternative cancer therapy that uses insulin to potentiate the effects of chemotherapy and other medicationsIPT combines chemotherapy (or other medications) with insulin, and it is claimed that the use of insulin increases the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs and targets cancer cells more selectively. I have said if they recommended this, I would be open. I met a lady with ovarian cancer here now who is doing this treatment and her CA-125 was 4000 and 10 weeks later is 72, praise god! It definately seems that this is the direction the lord is leading me and i have to walk by faith. What this means is that I will be here longer than 3 weeks, it adds 4 weeks on to start, maybe longer. I can start the IPT next week and they recommend 6 weeks to start and could be up to 12 treatments. I cried. it is honestly hard to wrap your brain around. There are places in the US that offer this, but It doesn’t make sense for me to have to restart with a care team. They do many things to prepare your body for the low dose chemo and give you things after to support your system. I feel like my brain is mush now, but I will know more next week. They recommended celebrex for inflammation and anti-cancer effects. They also recommend methyl blue and IV CBD. The methyl blue is a dye that is absorbed in larger amounts in more rapidly-dividing cells, like cancer cells. The benefit of this is the other therapies will then be more effective. I do know I will have really cool looking urine:) Before lunch I had the INDIBA treatment which is like a massage on my stomach and it feels so good! After lunch I met with a nutritionist and went over my labs and the best diet. He said I need more protein and so he had them make me chicken for dinner and had it sent to our room so the other patients wouldn’t see I got chicken. I was happy and shared some with matt! I also did the H2 Inhaler, full body red light therapy and the hyperbaric Oxygen chamber. After our dinner there was a worship service, which was a perfect way to end this long, tough day. Taking my eyes off of myself and onto my heavenly father. It is in him, where my hope and peace are firm and grounded. Just what my soul needed today. And…why this is so late!

    One of the first verses i memorized is from philippians 4:6-7 don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. tell god what you need, and thank him for all he has done. then you will experience god’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in christ jesus.

    So, when we don’t know what to pray, god know’s our hearts. the spirit of god lives inside me and is pleading for me when i am too weak or tired. With that, off to bed i go. I will not live afraid. I will not lose hope. thank you for the love and prayers.